FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: KELOWNA, BC – April 8, 2014. -Spring is a time of fresh and new, and what better way than to clean out your closet! Ask any woman today, if they have clothing, shoes or accessories that they want to get rid of, and you will receive a resounding yes! The average woman wears only about 20% of the clothing in their closet. She also has about 22 items in her wardrobe that she will never wear but absolutely refuses to throw out, and at least 5 of these items still have the tags on them. And, while we try and purge by donating to deserving charities, we often hold onto many items because we spent a lot of money on them, it’s a favourite or we hope to fit into it again one day! Having a monetary incentive to get rid of your clothing, helps make that purging just a little easier, and having a deadline doesn’t hurt either!
Women also love buying new clothing, or at least “new to you” clothing. Second hand, consignment stores, and thrift stores have done a thriving business over the last few years. Swap groups have popped up on social media channels and used clothing classifieds continue to grow. There is also the environmental benefit of re-using clothing rather than just throwing it away. This is what inspired Rosanne Ting-Mak Brown, owner of RedScope Media to create the Kelowna Closet Cleanout – Ladies Fashion Flea Market on April 26th, 2014.
“There are several flea markets geared to selling kids clothing and equipment, but there is nothing similar for ladies fashion.” said Rosanne Ting-Mak Brown, who owns her own marketing company RedScope Media that specializes in social media and event coordination. “I know so many women who are looking for options and motivation to clean out their closets, and I thought this may be a great event to fill that need. Choosing the Kelowna Women’s Shelter to benefit from the event was a natural fit, and all donated shoes & clothing after the sale will be going to Soles4Souls.”
Ting-Mak’s business is Social Media Management for a social life. She says, “Life is about being social…social media, social marketing, social events. So, using mostly social media, Rosanne found a location and started spreading the word. The response was tremendous, and she has done much of the event organizing from taking payments, to coordinating how to build fitting rooms right from her home office. Within a month over 80% of the tables have been rented out of the anticipated space for 70.
The Kelowna Closet Cleanout, Kelowna’s First Ladies Fashion Flea Market will be held April 26th, 2014, 10am-3pm at the Sunplex at 1155 Ellis Street. There will be over 70 tables with gentle used ladies clothing, shoes, and accessories. All will be available for sale directly from the flea market vendor. Grab something new to you, save money, and help support Kelowna Women’s Shelter and Soles4Souls. Georgie Girl, a local vintage consignment store, will be there with her vintage tickle trunk and photo booth set up, where you can get a “Snap in the Hat”. The $5 entry will give you a chance to win some amazing door prizes and the first 200 shoppers through the door will receive a reusable gift bag filled with treats from local sponsors.
Details at, on Facebook, or email .

Kelowna’s First Ladies Fashion Flea Market
For Further Information, please contact:
Rosanne Ting-Mak Brown
Event Producer of the Kelowna Closet Cleanout
Cell. 250-864-3480
About RedScope Media:
RedScope Media is here to help your business be SOCIAL! RedScope Media has over 20 years experience in sales, marketing, and event coordination. As an early adopter of social media, we have recognized the power of “telling two friends, and they tell two friends”. Life is about being social…social media, social marketing, social events.
“A creative idea plus a fresh network is the best way to go from zero to millions.” – @peretti