-posted Aug 8, 2014.
Media Release: Small Business Makeover: Four Workshops for Women that get Results!
For Immediate Release: -August 6th, 2014, Kelowna, BC- Statistics Canada’s Labour Force Survey reports there were 950,000 self-employed women in Canada in 2011, accounting for about one third of all self-employed persons. Between 2001 and 2011, the number of self-employed women grew by 23 percent compared with14-percent growth in male self-employment.
Women are responsible for 83% of all consumer purchasing and make 95% of all household financial decisions. Source: Statistics RBC
Each year more women are taking control of what their employment looks like as they value flexibility. They also make the final decision on most purchases in the household. So why do most service businesses still gear their businesses to a male buyer?
The ‘Small Business Makeover’ is a day of four workshops designed by women for women. August 19th is the day of hands on training to get results. We know that so many conferences or webinars offered only share what to do but don’t show you exactly how to do it. The four female entrepreneurs facilitating the workshops will walk the group through the steps until you have a finished outcome. They will be covering topics such as: Office Organizing, Image, Finances, and Social Media. It will be a full day of learning, doing and meeting passionate women who want to get results in business and life.
The event will be held at the Manteo on August 19th from 9am to 5.30pm. Lunch is included, along with wine at the reception afterwards. Tickets are $199 plus GST if you get your tickets now. The value of attending the event is $850 so $199 is a steal. Get your tickets today and share the event if you know a woman who runs their own business or is looking to start their own business.
Tickets available at: smallbusinessmakeover.eventbrite.com
Session details at: www.smallbusinessmakeoverkelowna.com
For more information please contact event organizers:
Shannon Hickey Rosanne Ting-Mak Brown
www.dollardame.ca or www.redscopemedia.com
250-899-4541 250-864-3480
About Dollar Dame Coaching:
Dollar Dame provides trustworthy guidance to people who are making financial decisions, helping them save money and gain confidence over money matters.
Dollar Dame offers assistance in areas such as budgeting, debt management, accessing funds to buy a home or to go back to school, retirement & pension planning, and assessing asset allocation with investment portfolio.
About RedScope Media:
RedScope Media is here to help your business be SOCIAL! RedScope Media has over 20 years experience in sales, marketing, and event coordination. As an early adopter of social media, we have recognized the power of “telling two friends, and they tell two friends”. Life is about being social…social media, social marketing, social events.